Thursday, November 18, 2010

Album Art

One of the most popular enhancements to our CD ripping service was including album art. I don't mind admitting at first I was sceptical but today ripping CDs without adding album art is unthinkable. Well, yesterday I thought the unthinkable.

One of the best decisions I made was to go with iAlbum Art as the software to embed album art in our clients music. It works like a dream and Mike's tech support has been great. Something I was taking for granted when we upgraded our version of iTunes. I don't know if the upgrade was coincidental and maybe Amazon made a change at their end but horror, iAlbum Art just stopped working. Program opened fine, seemed to run but resolutely no little pictures were added. Small panic, we've got a couple of thousand CDs in process right now.

Thankfully the fix was simple, iAlbum Art 2.1 plays nicely with iTunes 10 and co-operates with Amazon. If anything it runs better, with better art and a snappier response, I think. We breath a sigh of relief and stick more CDs into the computers.

Friday, November 05, 2010

One of the best things I've found on the web is - an incredibly simple and effective file sharing service. So many time it's helped us deliver files to clients.

But no longer, is no more. They've sold ought to Facebook. Well done them, and thanks for what you've given us over the years.