Thursday, August 27, 2009

iAlbum Art - Suddenly No Cover Art

For many years we've used a great piece of software called iAlbum Art you can get it here - One of the aspects of the product that has impressed me is the quality of their support, and of course the ease of adding and embedding art in our music tracks.

Then on Monday - it didn't add art at all. Nothing, not a single image. Even the easy ones - The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Carpenters, even Oasis. So I tried a few things, eventually running it across Vista and XP, all with the same result. So I emailed support and very quickly got a reply. It seems Amazon has changed the way it handles album art enquiries so a new version of the program is needed. Looking at their site now it might even be that the new variant is there to be downloaded. Panic over.

But ....

It has just crossed my mind that there may be moves afoot to protect the copyright the labels guess they have in cover images. Could it be that Amazon are positioning themselves to make it impossible to download those little pictures in bulk? No, of course they're not. Or are they?